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Named Characters in Starsector story and lore, these characters are the same every playthrough, and are relevant for the various Missions that the player will undertake.

Contains spoilers for the main story plot.


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Baikal Daud

Main article: Baikal Daud
"No reserves? Look around you! There are a thousand space-capable ships in the civilian docks and a billion citizens in the arcologies. We need only open the stockpiles and give them weapons before the invasion arrives."

–Baikal Daud at the Defense of Chicomoztoc

Current High Hegemon of the Hegemony. Before he became High Hegemon, he had rallied the defenders of his home world of Chicomoztoc against the Tri-Tachyon invasion in Cycle 194.

In spite of being viewed as "hive-scum" by his opposites due to his origins in the slums of Chicomoztoc, they hold him in grudging respect as he is practical and eminently capable in commanding the sector-spanning Hegemony.

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Orcus Rao

"Whether the appalling cost of the victory, the complete inversion of his mission orders, or the act of commandeering a Hegemony cruiser from its CO in the midst of combat, any one of Orcus Rao's actions during the breaking of the siege of Raesvelg would have earned a court-martial had he been within the Hegemony chain of command."

–In The Midst Of The Storm Mission

"No one can believe he got away with everything he's gotten away with. But if, like him, you've got the dumb luck to walk out of disaster alive again and again - and better yet, you deliver victory in the darkest days of war - they'll let you get away with anything."

–Neriene Rao to the Player

Hegemony officer with a rocky career. Disgraced and dishonorably discharged from the Sphinx naval academy in the Samarra Star System. He went onto become the captain of the ISS Black Star.

He earned the title of "Hero of the Siege of Raesvelg" after his assistance in the planet's defense against the Tri-Tachyon forces in c+190. He would go on to assist Daud in the defense of Chicomoztoc.

Orcus Rao currently holds the rank of admiral in the Hegemony Navy. He is the third child of House Rao on Eventide, one of the planet's leading families. He is also Neriene Rao's grand uncle.

He can be currently found administrating the Hegemony colony of Ragnar Complex in the Valhalla Star System.

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Neriene Rao

"Anyway, the family has a reputation for a rebellious streak and I'd be remiss not to uphold it."

–Neriene Rao to the Player

A Hegemony officer present at the grand seasonal ball on Eventide during the events of "Princess of Persea".

Neriene Rao currently holds the rank of commander in the Hegemony Navy. She is part of House Rao on Eventide, one of the planet's leading families, and Augusta Rao's grand daughter.

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Augusta Rao

"You recognize Augusta Rao from the news holos. Her head pitches almost imperceptibly - a denial - before she turns her back and moves away, pulling in her wake a retinue of ministers and aristocrats."

–The Player

The matriarch of House Rao, one of the planet's leading families, present at the grand seasonal ball on Eventide during the events of "Princess of Persea".

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Caspian Sang

"House Rao - surely you know the family - is holding the grand ball of this season on Eventide. I shall place your name upon the guest list by invitation of the humble House Sang. Now does that not sound absolutely first-rate? You'll be the talk of the season, I'm sure of it."

–Caspian Sang inviting the Player to the ball

A Hegemony officer. If the player holds a Hegemony commission, he invites them to the grand seasonal ball on Eventide and should the player accept, begins the "Princess of Persea" quest.

Caspian Sang currently holds the rank of lieutenant in the Hegemony Navy.

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Magnus Cardona

"Barbarian? You're the one threatening guests with oversized cutlery."

–The Player to Magnus Cardona during the events of "Princess of Persea"

A Hegemony officer present at the grand seasonal ball on Eventide during the events of "Princess of Persea".

Magnus Cardona currently holds the rank of lieutenant in the Hegemony Navy.

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Caliban Tseen Ke

"I'm Lieutenant Caliban Tseen Ke. We're carrying out the investigation into who screwed up here while you take care of the problem out there. And I wish you luck, captain, because if you don't solve this it's going to get ugly."

–Tseen Ke to the Player during the events of the tutorial

A Hegemony officer present at the Galatia Academy in the Galatia Star System during the Galatia Crisis.

He asks you to meet him for a drink afterwards on Coatl in the Aztlan Star System in its bar, after which he can be added as a Medium-importance military contact.

He currently holds the rank of lieutenant in the Hegemony Navy.

Luddic Church & Path


Brother Livewell Cotton

Main article: Livewell Cotton
"Tri-Tachyon pries open holy creation daily, and at each desecration our wholesale damnation looms. Our path is burden; our path is suffering. We shall face them with faith that our only redemption is final judgment."

–Livewell Cotton, Luddic Path terrorist, sermon of c205.2.12

De Facto Leader of the Luddic Path sect and a true believer, based out of Epiphany in the Al Gebbar Star System. He has a strong conviction in the righteous of his crusade against the evils of technology.

He teamed up with Rao's ISS Black Star in cycle 204 in the "For the Greater Ludd" mission.

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Gideon Oak

An Excubitor Orbis of the Knights of Ludd. He may interfere with the player's visit to the Hesperus shrine during the mission "The Pilgrim's Path".


Ned Boot

A Knights of Ludd initiate who can be met when visiting the Hesperus shrine for the first time.


Moyra Standfast

A curate who can be found managing the Luddic Shrine on Volturn and is also a leader of its Luddic resistance against the Sindrian Diktat.


Sophronia Jaspis

Main article: Sophronia Jaspis

An archcurate of the Luddic Church. She appears in the "Knight Errant" mission and is also its requester.


Wrestling Sedge

A Luddic Path recruiter who can be found on Epiphany and needs to be talked to for the location of Jethro Bornanew.


Nile Virens

A wealthy Luddic Path leader on Mazalot who can help the player with the location of Jethro Bornanew.

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Jethro Bornanew

A novice of the Luddic Church who goes missing while infiltrating the Luddic Path. He appears in the "Knight Errant" mission.

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"Where there is life, that is the throne of God, and all that is good can be found there."

–Sacred Texts of Ludd

The messianic martyr of the Luddic movement. They preached pacifism, abstinence from worldly desires, and a return to an idyllic agrarian lifestyle free from the burdens of technology. In Luddic tradition it was imprisonment and subsequent transfer of Ludd through the gate system by the Domain that caused the Collapse as an act of God, giving humanity a chance for redemption.

Persean League

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Reynard Hannan

Main article: Reynard Hannan
"My freedom, I have given it for my world and for of my Gens; look upon proud Kazeron! I have earned everything you see before you. The League gave me that freedom, and the League has prospered for it!"

–Hannan discussing League harassment with the player

The Prime Demarchon leading the Persean League and head of gens Hannan, which advocates a policy of Kazeronian supremacy against the Hegemony.

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Horus Yaribay

Main article: Horus Yaribay
"The top leaders of the Hegemony, particularly High Hegemon Baikal Daud must see things more clearly than they let on. They understand that they must hold the banner high and speak of iron resolve to the bloody end - right up until the moment they can present their people with a great victory: peaceful reconciliation. Victory without war. Imagine!"

–Yaribay on unifying with the Hegemony

The head of gens Yaribay, one of three powerful gens on Kazeron in the Thule Star System. He represents a more moderate faction in League politics that seeks a peaceful resolution to the League-Hegemony conflict.

The player will blackmail him during At The Gates at the behest of Anahita Baird to obtain diplomatic credentials for an audience with Baikal Daud, during which the player may deliver cryptokeys from Yaribay to Daud at the former's request.

If the player gave Daud the cryptokeys, they can then contact Horus Yaribay later and can add him as a High-importance military/trade contact.


Finlay Siyavong

Main article: Finlay Siyavong
"Let me be clear. The League guarantees certain rights to intersystem merchants, though it is a stretch to ascribe you even that status considering your 'colorful' record. Even if you display no respect for this institution and my explicit requests from you, I cannot simply lock you up." He folds his arms, and leans back. "As much as I would like to."

–Siyavong to the Player

An agent in the Persean League Combined Fleet Intelligence, assigned to investigate the player and their actions during the Galatia Academy questlines.

Sindrian Diktat

Andrada circa Cycle 160
Andrada circa Cycle 181
Andrada circa Cycle 206

Phillip Andrada

Main article: Philip Andrada
"The Sindrian Diktat is a polity founded in a relatively recent Hegemony military intervention in the Askonia system led by Admiral Philip Andrada, formerly of the Hegemony Navy. Andrada's Hegemony psych profile describes him as 'intelligent, charismatic, yet prone to narcissistic excess'. In his words, the Diktat was 'formed in the crucible of the Askonia Crisis and with it a new people: a race of humans with emboldened spirit and clarity of purpose; stronger, possessing the will and determination to overcome the divisions and petty parliamentary politics that bred only chaos when tested by the collapse of the Gate System.' Considered by the Sector at large to be a military dictatorship."

–Sindrian Diktat Faction Description

"A holoprojector displays a larger-than-life image of Admiral Andrada, the Lion of Sindria, flanked by Diktat banners waving in simulated wind. His commanding gaze is cast toward a ventilation duct."

–Sindiria Market Description

"The weak fear the spiritual potency of the killing machine. The strong instinctually recognize its beauty."

–Quotations from the Supreme Executor

Supreme Executor Admiral, called "The Lion of Sindria" by his supporters and a dictator by the sector at large, is the leader of the Sindrian Diktat and former admiral of the Hegemony.

He became distinguished as a hero in the Battle of Maxios, defeating the pirate warlord Loke in c+160. He seized control of the Askonia Star System in c+181 after the capital planet of Opis was destroyed, creating a new polity separate from the Hegemony.

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Horacio Caden

Leader of the Lion's Guard and second-in-command to the Supreme Executor. With Andrada's incapacitation, he represents one of the three loci of power in the Diktat.

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Oxana Hyder

Deputy Star Marshal of the Sindrian Diktat and the de facto head of the Askonia System Defense Armada with the incapacitation of the current Star Marshal. With Andrada's incapacitation, she represents one of the three loci of power in the Diktat.

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Dolos Macario

Main article: Dolos Macario
"Once the means of force are purged of traitors, they shall burn out the rot that has taken root in this Great Project: the so-called Volturnian resistance and the double-blight of Nortia and Umbra in rebellion. Once our power-base in Askonia is consolidated, the Diktat may turn its gaze outward."

–Macario describing his plot to the player

The Chief High Inspector-General of the Sindrian Diktat, head of its internal security services. Also known as the "Spider of Sindria", he is the principal figure in the quest "The Usurpers".


Spender Balashi

Philip Andrada's secretary, interacted with by contacting the former in the Comms Directory.

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Yannick Ram

An officer for the internal security ministry who attempts to enlist the player in a ploy to test the loyalty of major figures of the Sindrian Diktat before being killed by Dolos Macario.


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CEO Artemisia Sun

Main article: Artemisia Sun
"You can no more escape the economy than you can escape gravity. It surrounds us, contains us, uplifts us. It bound the galaxy together once, and will again."

–Artemisia Sun, c203 Annual Report

"The Tri-Tachyon megacorporation is a polity unto itself with influence and military might rivaling any of the great factions of the Sector. Defeated in the (now) First AI War, the megacorp appeared to accept the technological inspection terms imposed by the treaty (which, incidentally, won the Hegemony much support from its significant minority of Luddic faithful). Perfectly routine negotiations regarding perfectly mundane details of the regular inspections broke down as rapidly as if planned by the ruthless CEO Artemisia Sun. Threats were delivered alongside ultimatum; crisis erupted into war as Tri-Tachyon called the Hegemony's final bluff."

–Mission Wolf Pack Description

Current CEO of the Tri-Tachyon corporation. She was removed as CEO in late c+193, only to be quickly reelected two months later after the failed siege of Chicomoztoc.


Rayan Arroyo

Main article: Rayan Arroyo
"I don't solve problems, buddy. I pay people to solve problems for me. You got problems? Go talk to the shipyard and get your oxygen leak fixed. I don't care about your problem unless your problem is seven or eight figs of cash in an account that you need put to work."

–Rayan Arroyo to the Player

A high level Tri-Tachyon executive who owes a favor to Baird. After your first encounter, he can be added as a High-importance military / trade contact.


Academician Elek

Cornelius Elek

A member of the Galatia Academy. A specialist in the planetary sciences, he had a poor viewpoint on the last provost, seeing them as foolhardy and reckless. They have a high degree of self importance.

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Main article: Gargoyle (character)
"An institution, a polity, a warship, a fleet, the Hegemony! The Luddic Church! The Tri-Tachyon Mega-credits-sucking Corporation! These are machines made of people, and these people don't understand their own machines. Or," a mock-pondering tone, "other people, come to think of it. The oneness of these holy constructs is mass delusion!"

–Gargoyle to the Player

An idiosyncratic genius hacker.

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Bione Lata

A childhood friend of Scylla Coureuse who lives on Fikenhild in the Westernesse Star System.

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Callisto Ibrahim

"There's no one within twenty lights that hasn't got crossbones etched on their hull. We have only our skill and whatever we find in that debris field to get us out of here."

–Callisto Ibrahim, expedition log c202.10.15

A seasoned combat-salvage veteran from Nova Maxios running a company named "Ibrahim Interstellar Transport and Salvage" operating a few small fleets out of Agreus in the Arcadia Star System.

She holds particular affection for a Venture-class ship known as the Hamatsu. If returned, the player can add her as a High-importance trade contact.


Adonya Coureuse

A surviving parent of Scylla Coureuse who lives on Fikenhild in the Westernesse Star System.

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Elissa Zal

Main article: Elissa Zal

A talented engineer and close friend of Scylla Coureuse.

Galatia Academy

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Anahita Baird

Main article: Anahita Baird
"This institution is not devoted to purely theoretical work," she forms a cradle with her hands, as if to hold an idea as she explains it, "For what use is knowledge if it does not give us the power, and wisdom, to change the world for the better?"

–Baird to the Player

Current Provost of the Galatia Academy in the Galatia Star System.

She is very pragmatic in her approach, using blackmail and compromises to achieve the a goal of reactivating the gate network. Keeps those around her at arms length, including the player.


Alviss Sebestyen

Main article: Alviss Sebestyen
"My name is Sebestyen. The new provost - that is, Provost Baird - assigned me to be your liaison with the academy. I hope you're as excited to work with me as I am to be working with you!"

–Sebestyen introducing themselves to the Player

An academician at the Galatia Academy and liaison to the player.

The player can receive missions from him to work for the Academy. He is easily flustered but well meaning, and his competence is recognized by Baird.


Scylla Coureuse

Main article: Scylla Coureuse
"Coureuse was always an off fit. Brilliant, yes, but she had a way of being distracted with involvement in hmm, antagonistic subcultures. Perhaps the Hegemony crackdown cured her of that childish affectation.

Her family and presumably friends are from Fikenhild in the Westerness System."

–Baird on Coureuse

A brilliant Academician at the Galatia Academy.

Tomas Kallichore

"Kallichore. That's his name. Was the boss of the academy who okayed that mad science experiment, almost doomed everyone in the system, can you believe that?"

–Tseen Ke on Kallichore

"He was a fool, and too trusting," Baird says with contempt. "Nonetheless, we lost good people and good research. Scientific breakthroughs are built on the development of theory and, yes, even negative results."

–Baird on Kallichore

Former Provost of Galatia Academy and predecessor of Baird.

His attempt at using hyperspace to reopen the portals failed and closed the Galatia system off from the rest of the sector. He is currently being questioned by the Hegemony for the incident.



Jorien Kanta

Main article: Jorien Kanta
"An asteroid habitat was taken by force during the Maxios Charter collapse by a wildly ambitious logistics security officer, Kanta, who cut herself a deal with local pirate groups to act as their secure base of operations. The station is protected by a cloud of stealth-mines and crude firebases while Kanta herself, now nearly two hundred years old, heads a minor dynasty, still holding tight personal control over ‘the family business’."

–Kanta's Den Description

"A fleet that acts with one mind makes those pretty formations so beloved by senior desk officers, a wallowing beast begging to have its throat slit. Cut loose the hounds that we may be wolves again."

–Warlord Kanta, quoted in "My Year With The Pirate Queen"

Warlord of the eponymous Kanta's Den and head of a powerful pirate dynasty.

Before becoming a pirate she was a Hegemony logistics officer with the rank of colonel. Kanta cut a deal with the pirate warlord Onesimos Loke to turn the Hegemony base in Magec – and its arsenal – over to him. She declared herself the successor to Loke after his defeat and death at the hands of Phillip Andrada.


Doctor Cydonia

"Don't listen to those weepy crypto-Luddics on the ethics board; the rejection rate is nowhere near what the rumors imply."

–"Doctor" Wyatt Cydonia (alias), COMSEC intercept

Personal assistant to Warlord Kanta and an expert in cloning, described as a small, strange man wearing some parody of a doctor's surgical garb.

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Onesimos Loke

Main article: Onesimos Loke
"You know the histories, of the great and terrible Warlord Onesimos Loke, yes? Once a grand officer of the Domain..." Cotton looks distant, "The Knights of Ludd stood then with the Hegemony. Standing with Pride against Wrath. Was that the Path?"

–Livewell Cotton on the Warlord Loke

A former Domain officer who became a pirate warlord after the Collapse, who raided the Persean Sector circa c+160. He was defeated and killed by Philip Andrada in the Battle of Maxios.

"This abomination is a sad copy of Onesimos Loke concocted by so-called 'doctor' Cydonia. He is a sick man, and to please Kanta for reasons I do not understand, he made a sick joke of the miracle of life."

–Livewell Cotton on the clone Loke

Loke was cloned by Doctor Cydonia to be Kanta's pet. The clone would later be kidnapped by Pathers and convert to the Luddic faith.

Warlord Leonis

This sprawling zero-g industrial station was built to-spec to serve the needs of the Eridani-Utopia Corporation and modified heavily in the cycles since. The station was taken by the warlord Leonis in the blazing conquests of cycle 47 and has remained in the hands of one or another pirate leader for much of recent history.

–Kapteyn Starworks, In-Game Description

A pirate warlord whose campaign throughout the Isirah would see him capture three stations in c+47, placing a lieutenant in charge of each. Besides the Kapteyn Starworks, their rules would be short lived, with Groombridge Habitat being abandoned and Laicaille Habitat being overturned by a League-backed pirate armada.




"if Luddic association: contemplate human-omega retribution response to multiple human mind-death?"

–Rogue AI during a Galatian mission

"affirm player [inexpressible] emphasis! to / all / be / join / as / omega!"

–AI during a Galatian mission

"are you the maker? scanning. you are not. where is the omega?"

–AI Remnant greeting line

Omega's true nature is unknown. AI Cores show a high interest in it and seems to consider them to be something akin to a deity. It appears to be the creators (and perhaps pilot) of the Tesseract ships.

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Ziggurat Captain

Possibly the entity controlling the Ziggurat, since its portrait is used when fighting the ship. Little else is known about it.